Take Action

Become an Advocate

You don’t need to be an expert, but letters, calls, or a visit to the offices of a member of the general assembly (be it at the Capitol or a local office) are great ways to put your face, your ideas, and your concerns front and center. While social media may be a good platform for recruiting volunteers and sharing information it is rarely a platform for debate.

Advocate Today

Send a Message

The American Rescue Plan offers an historic opportunity to direct funding to the parks and forests and other conservation projects. Visit the PA Parks & Forests Foundation’s Take Action Center to send a message to your state senator and representative.

View Our Needs List

While the Protect Our Parks & Forests campaign is the billion-dollar need for funding of major, multi-million dollar infrastructure projects, there is an additional list of smaller projects in each of our parks and forests on which we can work together to complete. This list is lengthy, it is not a complete picture of all our outstanding projects. This list provides a way to donate to a specific park or forest’s open project list.

Needs List

Support the Campaign

The campaign to secure stable long-term funding for maintenance, staffing, and improvements in our state parks and forests requires determination and an equally long-term commitment on behalf of all of the people in Pennsylvania who thrive when our parks and forests are healthy and stable. Join the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation in this commitment with a financial gift to the campaign.

Support Us

Share Your Story

Few things are as impactful as a story. Let the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation include in a compilation your memories of important times and experiences in the outdoors. Send a photograph from a magical day with family, friends, and fellow volunteers. How does being in nature affect your mood, your stress level, your relationships?


With a $1 billion need across the park and forest system, there’s lots of work to do and rarely enough time or people to accomplish it all. Volunteer to help make calls to elected officials, arrange visits for interested constituents to meet their elected officials, write articles or letters to media outlets, or provide assistance at volunteer days and other public events.

Host an Event

Do you have a personal relationship with a Pennsylvania decision-maker? If so, arrange to take them outside to your favorite place. Show them what it means to walk a trail beneath trees threatened by the woolly adelgid or to a bridge that’s closed because it’s in an unsafe condition. Show them a 40-year old restroom!

Take Action Today

Make Your Voice Heard!

Join the Movement! Sign up for additional information and engagement in the campaign to help meet the maintenance and care needs of our state parks and forests.

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