HIT! Tom Wolf announced plan to improve Pennsylvania’s state parks

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HIT! Tom Wolf announced plan to improve Pennsylvania’s state parks

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With the goal of improving Pennsylvania´s state parks, Gov. Tom Wolf announced the plan “Penn’s Parks for All.” The announcement was made along the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Secretary Cindy Adams Dun at the Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland Countyon on Friday.

As reported by penncapital-star.com, the project aims to address long-term issues such as public accessibility, infrastructure improvements and repairs, and climate change.

Known as “Penn’s Parks for All,” the plan will serve as a blueprint for park officials at the commonwealth’s 121 state parks over the next two decades, the Wolf administration said in a statement, adding that the plan was developed with “extensive” input from the public.

During the announcement, Wolf noted the importance of these parks during the pandemic and the need to support the outdoor spaces. “During that time these parks were heavily used by people in Pennsylvania and beyond,” he said.

Tom Wolf announced plan to improve Pennsylvania’s state parks. El Sol Latino. 8/2/2021.

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HIT! Tom Wolf announced plan to improve Pennsylvania’s state parks